The Edenwild Boutique Hotel Address: 132 Lopez Road, Lopez Island, Washington state 98261 Categories: Accommodations Bed & Breakfast Hotel/Resort Vacation Rentals Activities Biking Kayaking Whale Watching/Boat Charters Event Planning & Weddings Venues Phone: 360-421-8044
Lopez Islander Bay Resort Address: 2864 Fisherman Bay Rd, Lopez Island, WA. 98261 Categories: Hotel/Resort Phone: (360) 468-2233
Lopez Farm Cottages and Tent Camping Address: 607 Fisherman Bay Road, Lopez Island, WA. 98261 Categories: Accommodations Camping Glamping Hotel/Resort Phone: (360) 468-3555
Edenwild Boutique Inn Address: 132 Lopez Road, Lopez Island, WA. 98261 Categories: Hotel/Resort Phone: (360) 468-3238