Business Listings

Kayak and Bike shop at the marina on Fisherman Bay with rentals, sales, service and accessories. Ride or Paddle from our location. All ages and abilitie……
At Lopez Bookshop we celebrate the book and the importance it has in our lives….
Lopez Center is the largest venue on Lopez Island with a 300 person indoor capacity (200 seated) and expansive grounds. It hosts concerts, dances, theat……
Quality early childhood education, preschool and childcare for children in a stimulating, nurturing environment. Monday through Friday 8:30 am – 5 pm. C……
Lopez Community Land Trust (LCLT)  has the expressed goal to build a diverse island community, through just……
In 2009 a few Lopez trail enthusiasts got together to explore the possibility of expanding hiking, biking and horseback riding opportunities on the isla……
Lopez Fit is a non-profit community gym located in the heart of Lopez Village, in the new combined Family Resource building. …
Come on in for a warm, comfortable, and family-friendly atmosphere. Welcoming to tourists and locals alike! Coffee, tea, energy drinks, matcha, and gold……
Sunday service is at 10:30 AM. Adult Bible Study is at 9:30 AM. Nursery (Birth-3) and Jr. Church (4-12) provided during worship service.  Pastor: Paul S……
Lopez Island Creamery was founded in 1982, with a kitchen about the size of a bedroom. While the busines……
The Mission of the Lopez Island Family Resource Center is to provide resources and guidance necessary to meet the basic needs of the entire community.  ……
Saturdays 10am-2pm in Lopez Village next to the Community Center, mid-May thru mid-Sept. Island-grown produce: salad greens, vegetables, garlic, plus fl……