We staff a Visitor Information Office in a central location where visitors and residents can come for information on local businesses, current and upcoming events, available activities, restaurant hours, ferry schedules, and more.
Hours of Operation: Tuesday – Saturday, 11 am-3 pm.
Summer Hours: Mon – Thurs, 10 am-3 pm | Fri – Sun 11am-3pm
The Chamber has been involved in many community activities over the years, the most prominent being Tour De Lopez, which started in 2004. This event helps defer the cost of maintaining the greatly appreciated Village Park and Restrooms.
Members can access all the Chamber’s resources, including our office space in the village and this website. Your literature can be displayed in the office, and all member businesses or organizations are listed in our online directory. Members can be listed in the annual Lopez Island Map and Guide or the Village Map for an additional fee.
For more information, see Member Information.
The Chamber has a dedicated board of volunteers who volunteer their time because they believe in its mission and values.
If you want to contact any board members, please email the chamber office or call 360-468-4664. The office staff will ensure that they receive your message.
The Lopez Island Chamber of Commerce is a 501© (6) Not for Profit Corporation. Most expenses are deductible as business expenses but are not considered charitable contributions. We are a volunteer organization dedicated to strengthening the businesses in our community.
The Lopez Island Chamber of Commerce is in place to support our members and offer tourist information to visitors.
265 Lopez Road, #F
Lopez Island, WA 98261
Tuesday – Saturday, 11am – 3pm